Key chains are a business branding tool you can count on

September 18, 2023
Branding, Community
The average person sees about 5,000 advertisements a day. Think about that for a moment—five thousand ads. Of course, that includes the tag on the back of your undershirt, the label on your orange juice, the sign outside of your usual coffee place, the logo on your laptop, and so on. But still, that’s one heck of a lot of advertisements!
As a business owner, you know better than anyone how many brand name products people encounter these days; how many companies are actively advertising their goods and services. It’s been increasingly noted in advertising research that this abundance of advertisements actually desensitizes people to advertisements. We don’t even notice we’re being advertised to. So how do you cut through the haze of ads and make your brand stand out?
“Swag,” as free branded promotional material is often called these days, is a great way of getting your name and contact information into people’s hands. Let’s face it: a business card or leaflet is likely to get crumpled in someone’s pocket, or lost in someone’s purse, whereas branded items like key chains have perceived value to those who pick them up. Custom crafted key chains are actually an especially good example of this, as they’re useful, often beautiful, and if you can get them into people’s hands, they serve as a daily reminder of who you are, and what you’re offering.
Yes, branded key chains are a great investment for any business, and not just because you can give them away to the public. Say you’re hosting a conference, attending a convention, or have a business meeting coming up. Key chains are wonderful prizes for any of those situations. Giving away key chains to conference attendees will keep your product and name first and foremost in the minds of investors—they’ll build a sense of teamwork and solidarity among everyone in your company who attends a meeting—and they’ll keep your message on everyone’s mind even after a busy conference.
It’s a well-known fact that once your logo becomes recognizable, it becomes your brand. That’s what everyone should be aiming for. Target’s red bull’s eye, the ubiquitous Starbucks green mermaid, Apple’s enduring apple are all highly recognizable symbols—and their product fans wear those logos with pride. Smaller companies as well create visible logos and brand T-shirts, key chains, and everything else to promote their visibility. Let’s take for example the microbrewing and microdistilling craze sweeping the nation. Go to any liquor store on a weekend and you’re likely to see a promotional event with “swag” for passers-by—and we’d bet good money that you’ll see some key chains (possibly with a bottle cap opener, for extra usability).
No matter who you are, what services you provide, or what you’re selling, a branded custom key chain with your logo (and contact information) will help promote your company. Even if you decline a gimmick like a bottle opener, a key chain with your business’s website or phone number will ensure that people who receive one will be certain to keep you in mind—or at least, in their pocket!
This article brought to you by Custom Pins Inc. in Westchester, NY. Whatever your design, logo, or business purpose, there is a custom-designed lapel pin to fit your needs and budget. Click here to fill out our Free Quote form. Or call us toll free at (888) 922-9378 for answers to all your questions about custom pins, custom lapel pins, and more!